1 一图流background
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| index_img: transparent footer_img: transparent background: /assets/xxxx index_top_img_height: 400px mask: header: false
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| inject: head: - <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/modify.css">
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| @import 'nib'
#page-header background: transparent !important
&.post-bg, &.not-home-page height: 280px !important #post-info bottom: 40px !important text-align: center #page-site-info top: 140px !important
@media screen and (max-width: 768px) &.not-home-page height: 200px !important #post-info bottom: 10px !important #page-site-info top: 100px !important
.top-img height: 250px margin: -50px -40px 50px border-top-left-radius: inherit border-top-right-radius: inherit background-position: center background-size: cover transition: all .3s
@media screen and (max-width: 768px) height: 230px margin: -36px -14px 36px
[data-theme='dark'] & filter: brightness(.8)
// 页脚 #footer:before background-color: alpha(#FFF, .5)
[data-theme='dark'] & background-color: alpha(#000, .5)
#footer-wrap, #footer-wrap a color: #111 transition: unset
[data-theme='dark'] & color: var(--light-grey)
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| 'use strict'; const { filter } = hexo.extend; const cheerio = require('cheerio');
function insertTopImg($) { const header = $('#page-header'); if (header.length === 0) return; const background = header.css('background-image'); if (!background) return; $('#post, #page, #archive, #tag, #category').prepend(`<div class="top-img" style="background-image: ${background};"></div>`); }
filter.register('after_render:html', (str, data) => { const $ = cheerio.load(str, { decodeEntities: false }); insertTopImg($); return $.html(); });
2 主页card竖图排版并列+微调
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| $indexLayout = hexo-config('index_layout') || 1 $indexEnable = hexo-config('cover.index_enable')
#recent-posts .recent-post-item @extend .cardHover position: relative overflow: hidden margin-bottom: 20px
if $indexLayout == 6 || ($indexLayout == 7) display: inline-block width: calc(100% / 2 - 12px) height: 730px vertical-align: top
+maxWidth768() height: 410px width: calc(100% / 2 - 6px)
+minWidth2000() width: calc(100% / 2 - 6px) height: 410px
if $indexLayout == 1 || ($indexLayout == 2 || ($indexLayout == 3)) display: flex flex-direction: row align-items: center height: 16.8em
+maxWidth768() flex-direction: column height: auto
+minWidth2000() height: 18.8em
&:hover .post-bg transform: scale(1.1)
&.ads-wrap display: block !important height: auto !important
.post_cover overflow: hidden
if ($indexLayout != 5 && ($indexLayout != 7)) +maxWidth768() width: 100% height: 230px
if $indexLayout == 1 || ($indexLayout == 2 || ($indexLayout == 3)) width: 42% height: 100%
&.right order: 1
+maxWidth768() order: 0
if $indexLayout == 4 || ($indexLayout == 5 || ($indexLayout == 6 || ($indexLayout == 7))) width: 100%
if ($indexLayout == 5 || ($indexLayout == 7)) height: 17em else height: 530px
if ($indexLayout == 5 || ($indexLayout == 7)) && $indexEnable &:before position: absolute z-index: 1 width: 100% height: 100% background-color: rgba(18, 18, 18, .4) content: '' backdrop-filter: blur(2px)
.post-bg z-index: -4 @extend .imgHover
& >.recent-post-info +maxWidth768() padding: 12px 12px 16px width: 100%
if $indexLayout == 1 || ($indexLayout == 2 || ($indexLayout == 3)) padding: 0 40px width: 58%
if $indexLayout == 4 || ($indexLayout == 5 || ($indexLayout == 6 || ($indexLayout == 7))) padding: 30px 30px 40px
if ($indexLayout == 5 || ($indexLayout == 7)) && $indexEnable &:not(.no-cover) position: absolute top: 50% z-index: 2 width: 100% color: var(--text-highlight-color) transform: translateY(-50%) --text-highlight-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) --card-meta: rgba(255, 255, 255, .7)
&.no-cover +maxWidth768() padding: 30px 20px
if $indexLayout == 1 || ($indexLayout == 2 || ($indexLayout == 3)) width: 100%
if $indexLayout == 4 || ($indexLayout == 5 || ($indexLayout == 6 || ($indexLayout == 7))) padding: 35px 30px
& > .article-title @extend .limit-more-line color: var(--text-highlight-color) font-size: 1.55em line-height: 1.4 transition: all .2s ease-in-out -webkit-line-clamp: 2
.sticky margin-right: 10px color: $sticky-color transform: rotate(45deg)
+maxWidth768() font-size: 1.35em
&:hover color: $text-hover
& > .article-meta-wrap margin: 6px 0 color: var(--card-meta) font-size: .82em
& > .post-meta-date cursor: default
i margin: 0 4px 0 0
.fa-spinner margin: 0
.article-meta-label if hexo-config('post_meta.page.label') padding-right: 4px else display: none
.article-meta-separator margin: 0 6px
.article-meta-link margin: 0 4px
if hexo-config('post_meta.page.date_format') == 'relative' time display: none
a color: var(--card-meta)
&:hover color: $text-hover text-decoration: underline
& > .content @extend .limit-more-line -webkit-line-clamp: 2 font-size: .98em
3 首页logo尺寸+site-name,site-slogan色彩
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| .site-icon margin-right: 6px height: 52px vertical-align: middle #site-title margin: 0 color: rgb(219 158 60 / 90%) font-size: 1.85em #site-subtitle color: rgb(219 158 60 / 90%) font-size: 1.15em
4 引用块的美化
1 2
| $line-height-code-block = 1.6 $blockquote-color = #7689a3bd
1 2
| --blockquote-color: $blockquote-color --blockquote-bg: lighten(#121212, 10)
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| blockquote margin: 0 0 20px padding: 7px 15px //border-left: 4px solid $blockquote-padding-color background-color: var(--blockquote-bg) color: var(--blockquote-color) addBorderRadius()
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| {% hideToggle display,bg,color %} content {% endhideToggle %}